The last shall be first and the first shall be last. Matthew 20:16



Last Elements


MY BIRTHDAY IS SO CLOSE!!!!! Its already been the First of March! !% MORE DAYS!!!!! Thats a hidden number back there not a bad word.................  So for my birthday I want you to, (Drumroll please), CONTACT ME! Ok so its a lame request but its simple and you can do it. SO contact me and tell me anything you'd like and I will, like, totally appreciate it. Like, completely. Hehe. Well thats my wish and it will mean the WORLD to me if you commented or contacted me. Alright, so, bye!



You can just type here. On the bottom of this component,there will be something that says "so and so" comments. Click that. Then you will be moved to a different page. On top of the first component you see,type! It will say "add comment" It will then show up!!!!!!!