The last shall be first and the first shall be last. Matthew 20:16




Omg guess what just happened to me!!!! I was in this cool clubhouse place where you can only lock it from the outside but not from the inside. I was with my friend, and this boy was really angry with us. He was like "Let me in!" and we were like "hahahaha no." So he left and after awhile we wanted to leave. so we tried to get out but it was locked and we thought it was that boy who locked the door. So I called everyone I could and my dad picked up so I  said "dad we got locked in this place come get us!!!!" He told the boy to unlock the door.  He did but the crazy thing is is that he said he didn't lock the door. Twas' SLENDERMAN!





  I am late. Anyone  have a chance

to go to the Del Mar Fair? I did! I saw my fav band Hot Chelle Rae and I was in the front row! I was with my sis and two friends. The Del Mar Fair had fried butter this year. FRIED BUTTER!!!!! nasty.
Did anyone try it? I didn't. I'm gonna uploud a video of Kate Nash. HERE I GO!



Ronald Reagan

My favorite pic of Ronald Reagan.

I am doing a presentation on Ronald Reagan at my school and was wondering if you know anything about him. My last presentation was about James Buchanan. So, you can send me acts about him if you wanna. I DEFINITELY wouldn't mind if you did. KK, Bye!

Typin Typin Typin

Awwww! Thanks you guys! I am handwr1ting +hIs on +he ds app I have! 4-U™

happy late be day tamie

Happy Birthday to you., Tamie. Hope it's a great day.

you told me to so, happy early b-day



You can just type here. On the bottom of this component,there will be something that says "so and so" comments. Click that. Then you will be moved to a different page. On top of the first component you see,type! It will say "add comment" It will then show up!!!!!!!